Monday, November 26, 2012

Ken Burns Calls Tea Party, Secessionists Racist

Ken Burns Calls Tea Party, Secessionists Racist Without Proof. Nah, nah, nah. Kenny B, You are the Racist & a Fool

Anyone else tired of the Shit. I'm serious. If one of Us says, oh I hate mustard, the LibTards, say that's because you are a Racist.... If We say, Oh I hate the idea of being tossed & burning to death in a Volcano, they say Racist....

Wasn't it Shakespeare that said Me thinst you protest too much, meaning that the more you protests and place accusations, those actions just become hollow distraction, from the fact that you, the name caller are hiding you inner feeling on the subject.

Like Gay bashing Homo Phobes, the ones the scream hatred toward Gays, the loudest and most often, are usually the only ones, harboring feelings of being Gay, but they have to show they aren't gay, so they yell the loudest that They aren't Gay and others are Gay. When in the end, they are just Gay and can't deal with it, so they hate themselves and others like themselves ...

Same theory/axiom applies to the Libtards that keep tagging Us conservatives as Racists, if they actually could read, then maybe They'd notice a few things about Conservatism, like how its the only philosophy Freed the Slaves & ended slavery. While the Libs philosophy enslaved man and continues to try and reattach the chains of Lifelong servitude & slavery, disguised as Taxation for the improvement of Society, on Mankind. All the Libs have done is disguised their inner hatred of Man and falsely elevated  their own sense of self worth over other Men. It's a dirty, sneaky, clever way to enslave Man.This time, the enslavement isn't with a Whip or the exchanging of money, no, no, no. This time the Slavery is of Mankind, is being done with Mankind foolishly, naively saying, "Oh sure, slap those bad boys on my wrists, ye sir, read to help, glad to help".....

So Libs, piss off, because I know that many of You are Racist and You All know it too...

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