Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Susan Rice's High School History Teacher Endorses Her for Secretary of State

Susan Rice's High School History Teacher Endorses Her for Secretary of State..

Oh that's nice and is this the new standard for holding public office,. becasue My Kindergarten Teacher said I was going to be something and I showed good skills with dealing with other children, so I think from that ringing endorsement I should be King of the World...  Are thee people that pathetic, they think that the Public is gonna go "Ohhh a high-school teacher says Rice is great for the Job of Secretary of State of he United States, let just give it to Her. I mean its a High-School Teacher for god sakes and they are soo Smot". As of late We've discovered how smart many of them really are, with the teacher strikes and the stories being leaked about teachers not being able to pass Tests they give to their students and then the other Teachers paying others to take the Teachers certification test, becasue the Teachers can't pass those. So Yes let's all listen, with great Attention & reverence to a High school Teacher, when that Teacher says, let that person hold a High Seat in Government.. Yes let's listen and follow the Teachers lead.. .. WTF is wrong with Politicians and People today.. Seriously WTF.. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/susan-rices-high-school-history-teacher-backs-her-secretary-state_664065.html

By the way, I was great with building blocks so I'm way over qualified to be the Secretary of the Interior and I even grew a plant from a bean and it lived a long time, so I'm over qualified for the EPA and I was even really good at telling imaginary stories in Kindergarten, so I know using my imagination is a good thing and since mine was so well developed, I am now sure I am even over Qualified to be President... He makes stuff up so can I... It only takes imagination for the stuff Obama is shoveling out...I nominated myself for all of those Jobs & I'll get my teachers from grades kindergarten to 12th to vouch for my skills and qualifications.... Ughhh ... What a Mess this Nation is becoming....

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