Wednesday, November 21, 2012

When America's Passions over ride its Reason

This is what happens in America today when passions override reason. I am not saying or attempting to say that religion and anit-drug policy has a superior moral ground, what I am saying is this is what happens when a passion for political correctness swings too far.
show you the same in kind....
Alternatively when the pendulum was in the other direction, people were cast out, burned and so on for saying, heah I think God might not exist and I'm still a Moral Person, because I know its treat people with respect and they will treat you with respect in kind. Yeah that didn’t fly, they usually said oh they work with the devil.
Toady if you say WTF about anything religious related or drug related or Food related, the label of narrow minded nit wit or racist or some other ridiculous label is placed on you, by the thugs in the media
Me I think social, All Social issues are not Government related and they should not be infringed upon by any government. Government is supposed to be in the business of social engineering and the picking of, social causes those in Power deem fit to support.
In a Republic all views have thee sam validity as all others, when society sees a problem then empirical evidence must be presented to combat a growing problem in the society for the good of the Whole Republic, but when people make claims based on feelings and leaps in logic you get the mess We find Ourselves embroiled in these days…

Some in the PC movement are not noticing that when a push to far to one side occurs a vacuum develops and a massive swing back in the other direct builds, which one day will wipe out everything they do, so push away because this Patriot is waiting for the Coming Storm to make clean the seats of Power again in this once great Republic. Let’s hope that We elect some People with my sense of Justice for All above politics & religion of all types, religion of the spirit and the religion of the mind…

But that’s my 2 cents and no one is listening so what the hell, do I really care…

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