Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Story and Fight back NOW by signing your 2nd Amendment Protection Petition

(image courtesy of National Association for Gun Rights click here for site )

Repost of their article/alert.

Obama laid out his gun ban plan today -- ban so-called "Assault Weapons", "High-Capacity" Magazines, and ALL Private Firearms Sales without government permission. Fight back NOW by signing your Second Amendment Protection Petition: then LIKE and SHARE with your friends.

My Comments:
 Told Ya so.. and High capacity is what he defines it as..I don't know what he defines it as Today, but in the past months it was more than 5 bullet on your person was High capacity and he wanted that outlawed...

Well a Dictator and Beta Male like him would want all guns and anything that might be a problem for him to go By dee Bye...

A short Story to illustrate how his is bullcrap from the Beta Prez...

My Father and other Police Officers were on a Hunting trip with a Rookie Cop. The Officers had laid out their camp and placed all the rifles into a circle, like a traditional camp lay out..
A beer came into the camp, the veteran Hunters fled. The Men fled becasue their weapons were on the side where the Bear was running from, but the New Guy, the Rookie who had never been hunting, went up a Tree..
The bear went after this Guy... The Rookie cop had a .45 on his hip, his duty pistol, so He pulled it out and fired all 8 shots into the Bear's Face at a distance of about 3 feet and it still came after him.
The Rookie told the other Officer that on the 8th shot he heard the skull finally crack. And it still took 2 minutes for the Bear to finally stop coming after Him.
I wonder if the Obama plan, low calibers and low ammunition amounts like say, a .38 and 5 rounds would have been enough to save this Man's Life.

Now I know the Lib Obama and other, anti gun nuts, would say oh don't go hunting then, when the point is, 5 rounds in a life and death situation verses 8, could mean the difference between Life & death..
The whole point of My story is, No One ever knows what They will need to save a Life, so its better to have something you never Need, then Need something you don't have.That's basic Logic and this Beta Male Leader, doesn't get it.. Or maybe he does according to the conspiracy people and he wants you to fail or Die, but whatever he wants, he thinks You Life needs to Live by His whim and not the Wisdom of Men who crafted the Entire Constitution of this Great nation over Years. This Beat Male, think his 50 years is far more superior than that of 10 Men and their combined Thousands of Years of experience and differing points of Views..

It will be Only his View and His way or else you are what he wants you to be; a Killer,murder or whatever title/label he will place upon you, for wanting to be Free and Live under a set of Laws which have worked just fine for 200 years till his arrival...

Kinda sounds like Napaloen or youinsert another other petty Dictators name, They're all the same, they all think tht They are the "way" and you that see what they are, are nothing more than Rebels.. So maker Me a Rebel then, becasue I will never bend down to My knees for any Man.... Our Ancestors never Did and I'm not gonna start shaming them now by breaking that Grand Tradition of being a Thick Headed, strong Willed Free Patriot..

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