Friday, December 21, 2012

Blood Dancers ~ Political Grand Standers

Blood Dancing, is what the savages did when something went wrong, they needed to dance around and sacrifice People to appease their gods or to create a change in their society by again sacrificing people to the will of the Whole...

Those that did the Dancing were always immune from the sacrifice and throughly insulted from any adverse effects of the "Change" or sacrifice.

Blood Dancing: A Person or Group, that goes prancing around, giving lip service to those that died tragically, while slipping right into a political grand standing of that situation for a Political gain, while People are grieving or emotionally vulnerable, due to the Tragic situation... ie, any school shooting, 9-11, any terrorist event, any mall shooting..and so on...

Certain other scum, go about this World and tell others to riot or become suicide bombs for the good of the Whole or the "Movement"  and they go to great lengths to hide their own Children and other Family members from the system they pushed to further Their own greedy goals...

Ever since the shooting in Connecticut, approximately 23 minutes after the news of the shooting hit the TV, the White House was releasing statements about Gun Control. And at the Memorial service the President even could not contain his greedy goals, he even disgraced this service by politicizing this event to again campaign for gun control.

Other Foreigners on TV and some that are Hosts' on some unmentionable, but totally fake New Channels, go to great lengths to lie and twist this tragedy, to fool the public and to utilize the Publics grief to further the ends of the Blood Dancing Fools...

I could call them ambulance chasers, but that gives those degenerates, Lawyers, a bad name. No these people, I am referring to, just won't shut up and let the People grieve, during a tragedy. These Dancers need to take advantage of every emergency or tragedy. The current President & His other appointees have said, a number of times, that an emergency can't be let to go to waste. So All of them are out, Dancing around on every New Channel, every newspaper and every other media outlet they can infect with their giddy Blood Dancing Joy.

So They want to Dance on the Bodies of the dead and at the same time, say Oh we care, fake tears rolls down Their/His cheek, then They/He breaks into song about how you need to let them help you, by giving unto Them, some of Your Life's Freedoms, just a tiny bit of a sacrifice.. Keep in mind, Those that make this request, They will sacrifice nothing, but you must, so They can help You, be "Safer".

Maybe the People being abused by these Politicians might want to reply back to the Blood Dancers, oh you want something from Me. To Make Me "safer", something again, just a bit more of Life's Freedom, again. Hmm. Ok. First tell me why you refuse to enforce the Laws, o the Books, that I granted You the power to enforce, to stop things like this happening again,  when the last tragedy occurred.. Or how about you explaining why certain other Laws, that have been proven to work, that did stop Murders and other insane People, from harming others. Why have you quietly removed those Laws that did indeed make Society safer... Explaining that to Me, then maybe We'll talk about "sacrificing more", but I doubt you'll get anything more from Me, other than pocket lint from Me..Now till you make good and enforce the Laws and stop removing the Laws that actually Help Us, be Safe, Blood Dancers, get off the Bodies of Those Dead Children, before I get Really Angry..

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