Wednesday, December 19, 2012

China now with Russia, both want Obama to Disarm All Americans, wonder Why .

Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed

They want this, becasue if ever, if Ever they tried to invade this Nation, they know they will not have a Chance.... And the LibTards, only believe that trash the media puts out and they also ignore their exalted UN and the things that transpire in that center of Hate... These 2 Nations, are not exactly Our friends... Oh No no no....

And seriously Libtards, say this is a good thing, then ask yourself this... How many Red necks are gonna get on a boat and do anything, with those guns to the Russian's or Chinese.... The answers is Zero... So then ask why do they want Us dis-armed.... Duh.....

Don't believe Me, then maybe a real US enemy's words might make you halt your support of the Russian's and Chinese wanting to disarm American.....During World War II this "Enemy" said:
 "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief ~ The Imperial Japanese Navy

IN Russia they just flat out murder People, even today. Anyone remember the theater attack, they killed about 50% of the Hostages and tried to cover it all up... So any time you hear something from the Russian's remember they tightly control what the World finds out about what they do.... Now, onto the Russian Trash...

Russian Reporter Tells Carney US Only Country with 'Terrible Recurring Attacks'

I guess all the attack on the Nation of Georgia are nothing but what, a "police action" against "terrorists" .. Yeah ok... The Russians are experts on knowing that whoever control the language and the meanings, control the Public.... Obama is also a very good student of this tactic... Stir up emotions and play games with words & get whatever a wanna be god king, dictator wants from an unsuspecting vulnerable Public..

"Hell these People just run up and toss over their Freedoms & voluntarily put on chains.. Hahahahahahah.." Any Dictator, named one or Not..

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