Monday, February 4, 2013

Doctors, Bartenders, DUI's and Mass Shootings...

Doctors, Bartenders, DUI's and Mass Shootings... There is a connection, but you don't see it just yet, but you will and I will not use leaps of Logic or twisted circular arguments to show you something and that something is a reasoned response to the dilemma that is plaguing this Nation these days....

Doctors, Bartenders, DUI's and Mass Shootings... When a Bartender gives a patrons too much to drink and that patron gets into a DUI./DWi accident then the Bartender is culpable under the Laws in most States, meaning that the Bartender gets and hold some responsibility to the crime as well as the person who caused the accident due to being Drunk...

Now  We recently have found out that in 98% of all of the mass/school shooting the Killers were under the care of a Doctor and or taking a type of mood altering SSRI drug. On most of those types of Drugs the warnings state that these drugs may cause psychotic episodes and or cause the person to commit violent acts.  So Doctors give these Drugs to People and when a crime occurs no one takes a look at the Doctor that gave these dangerous Drugs to the Person. If the drugs are looked at then it is only the drugs being looked at and not the Doctors that irresponsibly handed out these Drugs and never thought to keep this person or persons under strict observation. No They handed these drugs out and let these People loose into the World.

"Here no go have fun, don't forget we have a 10am next week and stop being so down and it will get better, take those drugs and those bad thoughts will go away. Next Patient please Marta.."

Then there are the Doctors in the State Jail/Mental facilities that for some odd reason let violent and sometimes murders criminals out and then that person kills someone and no one said WTF to the Doctor. Sometimes someone questions the Doctors, which almost never happens then the Doctors makes up some excuse, I didn't' know or he was fine when he was here or I must have been scammed. And the Doctor gets away with Obvious negligence.

Oh come on, these types of excuses wouldn't work for a Bartender but some how they fly for a Doctor. I'm stupid but not that Stupid.

So We want alot of these problems to disappear, then maybe, We might take a look at holding these "Doctors" to the lowly standard we hold Our Beverage servers to, then maybe, just maybe a few of these Loose cannons won't be released unto Society, maybe a killer sentenced to a mental Hospital might just spend the rest of Their Lives making clay ashtrays and counting Themselves Lucky to be breathing Air.

If We as a Society allow some murders to go to a Mental Hospital instead of Death row, then I think Society needs to make sure those "Lively Character" need to stay in those Hospitals for LIFE.

 Liberals say, oh they are crazy so We can't just take Their Lives, no ok, then how is it We allow to go out in Society to take other Lives after They Killed the First Time. Enough of the I didn't know crap. A Person kills Their Mom with a Fucking Hammer that tells you all You need to know about that Person. You don't go letting them free after Time served and good behavior.

So I call for Doctors that deal with mental Patients and Doctors that hand out psychotic Drugs to be registered with all Law enforcement agency's and to have those under Their care and under the influence of these Drugs to be banned from owning a Gun. Feds and other Gun grabbers you want to slow or stop these events of crazies killing Children and Firemen and others, then start making a Doctor face murder 2 charges for their lack of concern for Innocent Society. I bet after the 1st Doc goes to Jail or to Death row, you'll see alot of these Nutbag murders staying in Jail for a very Long Time...

Stop trying to make innocent Americans criminals just for exercising their Constitutionally protected Rights, start with the Criminals and their accomplishes the Doctors..

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