Friday, February 8, 2013

Sandy Hook: Officials Admit Possibility of Multiple Shooters

 Sandy Hook: Officials Admit Possibility of Multiple Shooters

OH wait...wait a second. I've been told by Comedy Central,NBC,CBS,CNN,ABC,MSLSD that if I think that the Local New People actually reported this story correctly, then I must be a racists, child hating Ass.. Well Guess I am then, because I'll go with the People that were there reporting this story and not a Bunch of spineless, agenda driven Pricks Hundreds and Thousands of miles away... This is from their Connecticut State Attorney Stephen Sedensky and they are keeping it quiet to "protect a witness". Thanks, but the Nation is on a Fear Monger campaign now, because you took this long to finally admit the True story and PS, what Else don't we know ??????
Sandy Hook: Officials Admit Possibility of Multiple Shooters

Link to story here :

And additional Link Here:

And other Link: Sandy Hook DA cites 'potential suspects,' fears witness safety :

What's next: The authorities actually gonna show the first Footage of them removing the Shotgun from the truck or them removing the Handguns they recovered from the scene or the Actually Security Video from inside the School showing Us Who really did this Massacre.

Nah, I'm hoping for too much... :( arrgghhhh

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