Just 4 days ago this happened while you weren’t looking…. ...Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) is introducing legislation that would nearly double the 18.4-cents-per-gallon federal gas tax that is traditionally used to pay for federal transportation projects. ←
You really trust what they tell Us they are doing with this money and do you really trust them to spend it efficiently on the “project” the tax was levied in the first place for … I sure as hell don’t….
And we see how well they wasted the Billions on a worthless and broken still web site..
They could have hired an American High school computer Lab to come up with a better and secure website than the mess this Government smashed together with the Canadian the India programmers and Oh yeah with the Prez’s cabinet members family receiving Hundreds of Millions in kick backs for the wasted effort….… and for pennies on the dollar…
WHAT A COINCIDENCE: Valerie Jarrett’s Daughter and Hubby Work for Company that Receives $653 Million for Obamacare
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2013/11/coincidence-valerie-jarretts-daughter-hubby-work-company-receives-653-million-obamacare/#5eljlB7jx4Fu8HJY.99
Obama attends wedding of Toronto Liberal MPP’s son | Toronto Star
Liberal MPP Bas Balkissoon's son has married the daughter of one of President Barack Obama's closest friends and advisers.
Now I wanna know →What are they doing with this money they already get ??????
You need more money try this.. Instead of giving tax breaks to the rich and other well off Individuals that buy electric cars, try taxing them for not paying, wait for it.. Tax them for not paying their fair share to use the roads, since the tax for road use is based on gallons of gas purchased I think its time for those scammers and others that don't pay for the roads to pay for what they use.. You Libs should like that proposal, I mean I used your phraseology and no matter what, its the truth... Next We'll hit up the bicycle riders, that demand bike lanes put in but pay nothing for that privilege.... Everything that is done to a road or highway is burdened by those of Us that don't have electric cars and buy Gas, so its time the Leeches pony up some Dollars for using Our Roads for almost free and stop it with subsidizing their theft of Our Roads...
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