Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Another episode in calling out Liars and Scam Artist for Their Lies & Bullshit..

Another episode in calling out Liars and Scam Artist for Their Lies & Bullshit..
  I posted this Picture →

Now a “Genius” was just so bothered by this “injustice” being committed on someone  she herself “doesn’t care for” that this “hero”  of the Just had to set me in my place, lets read what She wrote..

Suzy S (friends with Paul D) commented on a photo you shared.
Suzy S
September 19 at 12:51pm
I wonder when this page is going to take this picture down. It originated on a website called "HotAir" and was posted on (get this) April 1st. Fox News kinda jumped the gun and didn't apparently pay much attention to the source when they also posted the story. I don't necessarily care for the woman myself but I rather go off the truth.

Now let’s see what is going on with this “innocent” looking comment..
So does anyone see a link to support the allegation/claim that this is a false statement..
Does anyone think She really likes or watches FOX….
Does anyone believe any of this BS she just dumped on my post..
Let’s pull this turd apart..
  1. “I wonder when this page is going to take this picture down.”
 Now remember this Person is a Yankee from New England, you know land of the Free and Equal, you know the “true” heart of the Republic, but She for some reason what’s censorship to be levied against a free speech post about a Public Official, that seeks Power over People by gaining political Power. To me, you might want to hold these people under a dammed microscope before handing them the Child to baby sit, but what do I know, bet She’s a great Parent or will be a great Parent.. Hmm, kind of seems like crap the NAZI’s, crazy religious Book burners and children often do to silence People & things that they disagree & dislike.

  1. “It originated on a website called "HotAir" and was posted on (get this) April 1st.”

Ah I see, she showing us all that this is just an April Fools prank, that explains it all. I mean We’ll all have to forget that this was a claim levied during the 2008 campaign and even earlier, when Hillary was running for the US Senate, but yeah its on April 1st, just because she says it was, but where the original date, where’s the original post, hmmm…. Sounds like some made up crap, again…

Headline was printed on March 31, 2008..
From a Book published in 2006..

  1. “Fox News kinda jumped the gun and didn't apparently pay much attention to the source when they also posted the story.”

Hmm, so now its all FOX’s fault, oh I see, they made a huge mistake in speaking about this, talking about this as if it was a “real” story (insert moron type of laugh).  I wonder why then does The North Star Newspaper get the credit for printing this story, didn’t they hear it was FOX & HotAir that just made this all up. Stupid FOX & Stoopid HotAir (again, insert moron type of laugh).

  1. “I don't necessarily care for the woman myself but I rather go off the truth.”

Oh so she doesn’t like Hillary she says she is only interested in the “Truth”. I bet this is why she can tell you that Bush was a draft dodger, because Dan Rather said so, but She will neglect to tell you or neglect to know that Dan Rather saying this and later is was proved to be totally made up and shown to be a False claim, is the reason, Dan Rather is not on TV anymore..
Interested in Truth, my ass.
Doesn’t like Hillary, oh please, how stupid do you think People are.

When People claim stuff like, Oh I ain’t afraid of you, in reality they are. Oh I like Free Speech or See I’m not a Racist in the end they all are shown to be nothing more than different version of Homo Phones that go out of Their way to show you they ain’t Gay, when they really are..
People need to start tossing out these fools, calling them on their claims and their Lies. In this world today I speak to People and I remind them that in this Tech age, they can easily verify what I am saying with their smart phone in 2 seconds, so I make sure that what I talk about is factual. When I see or hear People claim things I know to be untrue I call them out, I tell them recite Your source so I can see and when no source shows up, I and everyone else knows them to be nothing but Lying Pieces of Dog Shit, with their secret agendas of scamming the People now exposed..
So next time you levy a claim against Me, you better do some dammed home work, other wise shut the hell up…

Now th truth about this MEME post, it was a claim by Hillary’s ex Boss on the Watergate Hearing that claimed this about Hillary and even wrote it in His book, neither of these claims by the Book or the Ex Boss in person on multiple TV interviews have ever been answered by Hillary or her supporters. They claim it’s a lie, just because they say so and they leave out that her Ex Boss was a High Ranking Democrat, in the Democrat Party, he was a Real Democrat, not a fake like the ones We have running around Today dressed up as Democrats, but are nothing more than socialist that would toss out JFK as conservative if he was around today.
Some people do not like the truth being exposed about People they identify with, Me I wasn’t to know everything about them, I want to know everything I can before I had My Child over to Them to baby sit. And selecting a Baby Sitter is exactly what We as Americans do every Election time. It is time the People understand the magnitude of their careless decisions before its too late. And the Charlatans need to be un covered for the Wolves they really are and cast unto the Public Square as the infection of destruction they really are..

Here’s a quick link to a few of the hundreds of stories detailing these Facts.

Come at Me straight or don’t even Bother, You are out of Your League, Sister…

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