Friday, July 27, 2012

Time to get pissed at Inflation & The Feds

Here is what you need to do....Take 1983's 3.35 and divide Our money of 5.28, that gives you a dollar to dollar amount, in times your pay by that number and sit back and see how much you are NOT getting...But you are paying a Hell of alot more in Taxes, than in 1983....

$5.28/$3.35 = $1.57

Your pay (your pay today times the value in 1983) of say $10.00/hr = $15.76

Not bad you say, well do it by 1968 and you will lose it...The prices only rise because the Federal Government wants them to, they print more money and this is the Direct cause of Inflation, yes there is natural inflation, but it is nothing like this...They steal more and pay you more, but you don't notice You can buy less and have to work more..

1968 ..$7.21/$1.6 = $4.50

Your today money of $10/hr times this is.....Drum roll please..........$45.06.....
Now are you making this much..NOPE...have your Taxes fell..NOPE...This is killing this Nation...WAKE UP....
You at $10.00 and hour, could be making at 40Hr...$1802.40 ...If they raised Our pay, like they raise Their printing, then maybe, One parent could stay at home and raise the kids..People could retire in comfort and medical costs would be nothing..But They won't, they will take more and more from You...And You'll smile because you think, 40K a year is great, when its only 1968 value....$5,547K a year and No one making that much or that least money pays/hands over 30% of it willingly..If they did in 1968 there would be riots...Think about what I am showing You...Really think..


  1. Just take Your current pay and divide it by $7 for Your answer..

    Try this, this is like going to Mexico and asking a bartender how much for a Bud..He says 1 us dollar or 100 pesos...Is he richer cause he got more Pecos than that dollar..No it is the same...but if he takes the Pecos he pays tax on 100 not the 1..Are you getting it now...??? More Zeros at the end look like more, but its the same..Too bad the tax code doesn't understand that, its based on the zero's, not the value..

  2. Let's see how many People don't look at my last post..I bet only My Wife looks and that's it..Well I better not hear another complaint about how much the Gov and Life sucks from anyone that doesn't take a look..I laid out the problem and it only takes understanding and a willingness to say NO I won't take this anymore...To help try to fix this... Understanding is the key ...
