Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can Democrats hide by claiming that climate change hysteria was an innocent mistake

Whatever evidence or other reasonable things I try to show People, they still demand to stay Stuck on Stupid and then proceed to talk from a position of Total Laughable Ignorance, well here's more for Ya small minds to chew on and ignore...

The Coming Global Warming Voter Backlash,"News is breaking out all over: global warming stopped 20 years ago....Can Democrats hide by claiming that climate change hysteria was an innocent mistake?

A political earthquake has resulted from a feature story in the Economist magazine because the Economist used to be a consistent cheerleader for global warming activism.  Doubts about global warming used to be censored by its London editors, one reporter confided to Stephen Hayward.

No no, I'm just a nut..
He's a scientific Guy that devours so many things and this, I feel he's wrong, cause I have eyes and I know from what I see, that what I see is really what's going on and tonight when eh sun goes dark, I will run about the streets proclaiming the End...

So what will voters do to Democrat candidates in 2014 and 2016 when the former realize that the Democratic Party was lying to them?

Here ass clowns... Liberals always knew, as reported in TIME in 1969, that it was even warmer during the period of Viking exploration than today, in the Medieval Warming Period.  Greenland was actually green when Vikings landed and averaged about 2 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in 1200 AD than today.  In Greenland, human villages are being uncovered from under the ice when glaciers melt.

See what you think you know is total rubbish and see why forcing me to pay for Bullshit and destroying Jobs, based on some population control bullshit born in the 60's, is kinda a sticky point to me..
60's - sustainable development... dumped
70 - environmental awareness..- dumped
80 - Global warming - dumped
90-10 - Climate Change..- dumped
Today back to sustainable development...

All the same players, all the same ends in mind all bullshit fed to the Public... The Rich and Elites do what they want and force you to stop consuming things they believe are their by Birth Right.. Well F them All.. Time to start arresting People ..Al Gore for starters... Mr Billionaire, money he made by lying to the Planet...

Duhhhh ---> Why listen to NASA, uncensored NASA or other Scientist that according to leaked emails were targeted for ridicule ...

Dr. Landscheidt revealed how the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn and other planets cause multiple overlapping cycles of roughly 22, 79, 178, 400, 1,000 years, etc.  The sun is a ball of liquid "plasma."  Very slight ripples or oscillations are caused as the sun swings with this orbital torque.  The effect is vanishingly small for the sun overall.  But varying sunlight can cause small temperature swings on Earth.

Here read the rest, but you willfully Ignorant won't and the other scammers will do their best to tear this apart...

1 comment:

  1. Just put you in my blog list. Keep up the good fight fellow patriot. Rufus King,
