Saturday, November 3, 2012

Do you really want to know why Benghazi happened. I mean really. I’ll tell you but you won’t believe me. Inside Obama's Mind

Do you really want to know why Benghazi happened. I mean really. I’ll tell you but you won’t believe me…And other Obama Zombie who still have yet to wake up, will not listen and some may even toss out biased self hating threats at me, for pulling Barry’s mask off..
Ok here is why Benghazi & Fast & Furious happened.. All of it, the deaths and the subsequent cover ups and so on…

Do you know how man

y Palestinians died last year? Last Month? Last Week… Do you know how many people in 3rd World Nations died yesterday… No…Hmmm…

Do you know what real poverty is, not American Style poverty, but the rest of the World type of Poverty…No…So you do not know that some people live and die inside what We in the US call landfills….
Bet you also didn’t know that the US sells weapons to Our Allies to protect themselves from hoards and those deaths, by Our Allies in the course of protecting themselves, from those vicious animals, are mostly blamed on the US… Yeah they are..

You probably didn’t know that I’ve stated a few dozen times that Barack Barry Hussein Obama is not American at his Heart, at his core, but you thought I was just tossing out some catchy rhetoric to make a head line or gain a follower, right..Nope I was not and you were and are very wrong.

I said those things because I know Him, have known him saw him for exactly what he was and is..

You and I probably grew up the same way, woke up watching cartoons on Saturday morning, went to ok schools, never missed more than maybe 1 meal and that was because we didn’t like what Mom made for dinner..

We grew up walking home safely from school, then hanging out in the play grounds, playing baseball or basketball or both… Even if some of Us grew up in the American “ghettos” or projects, this Life, in the US was much more than a Life lead elsewhere in the 2nd or 3rd Worlds, it was safer, more secure less stressful, even if We were unable to see that it was.

When one of Us decided to be a criminal, shoot a person or rob a person it wasn’t out of desperate need, it was usually out of greed, that lovely American way, right. We decided that with all the things we had, when compared to the 2nd & 3rd World, that those things just weren’t enough, We in essences were all Thieves and greedy people, just some were more successful than others and those that were better at being a criminal went onto Harvard then Politics or ran a Multi-Billion dollar company.. Those that weren’t that good at being bad, well they went to jail…

Now in the 2nd & 3rd Worlds, you steal things to stay alive another day. Yes there are greedy people like in the US, but even those bad people are only trying to be very bad, to ensure a tomorrow for Themselves or their children, not to build Empire to pass unto Grand Children so they can too dominate the World…

Now I did promise the Why about Benghazi and all of this is part of the WHY….You will see shortly.

One more point then onto Obama/Barry…

Alright if you made it this far, We need to go into military domination with American Weapons just for a second.

After 911, the Palestinians if you remember were in the streets rejoicing that 3,000 American Died. Many people did not understand this. I mean wasn’t the Us trying to Help those People. Didn’t Bill Clinton do everything he could to help? Wasn’t Europe also helping them, then why were these People that We were helping happy that Americans died.

For too many years to count and I will not go into the why, not here, but I will say this. For years the Israelis and Palestinians have been at each others noses. One day a bomb goes off and some Children in Israel die, then the next day Israel counter attacks and some Palestinians children die, back and forth back and forth.
Who started what is gone by the road side, who’s defending and who’s attacking depends on which side of the fence you reside…

The Us & Israel resides on one side and the muslims & Palestine reside on the other side.
We, the Us help to defend Israel, because they are a Republic, much like the US and We think everyone deserves to have a place to Live and so on..
Now when Israel counter attacks a terrorist related attack, some People & Children die. You might not know how many, but the Palestinian People do. And believe that 1 American weapon used by Israel that results in Deaths is Our fault. Why,. Because We sold it to the Israelis.

Now for years this has been going on, the death toll on the Palestinians & Israeli side have been going up, like a score in a game and thee number of Palestine Deaths are ion the 50,000+ area, some say more, some say less.

So if you were to compare a few dead Americans on 911 or in Benghazi, there is no comparison is there. I mean just looking at the numbers they’ve lost way more People that We, but you say We didn’t do any of it. Preach to the choir, but it none of what We believe matters to Them, it’s what they perceive & believe, not what We in the US think. Hell the US is a colonial Empire to Them, so of course We’d bullshit Ourselves into thinking We are a Nice People, at least that’s what They in Palestine and in the muslim lands think of Us.

Now imagine for a moment that Obama takes the 2nd * 3rd World View of the US, imagine that to him, Our Poor ain’t that poor. Our People aren’t that special and a few deaths of Our people, well that’s nothing compared to what the deaths are in those 2nd & 3rd World Nations We’ve helped, in his eyes, to hold down and hurt, either by Our direct actions or by indirect actions, carried out by the American Government and transversally its People.

You got all of that. Now think about it, really let what I wrote sink in, let it wake up a part of Your American Heart, let that fire come back up, think about how precious You know Life to be, no matter which Land that Life comes from.

You would have to have to have an American Heart to know that the preservation of All Life is in Our Hearts as Americans, but heah someone like I told You doesn’t know Our hearts, because his Heart is not that of an American, his heart is that of a Child that was tossed into a 3rd World up bringing and He was brain washed into thinking this Nation and mostly its people were at Our cores, bad people, that need a bit of humbling and need to be made “sober” to his way of seeing Us.

I know that Obama let Benghazi occur, he let a few die, for his political reason and to him a few Americans dying is not the end of the World, like some People think it is, to him he said “They are bumps” in the road and nothing more. He thinks We are full of Ourselves and that We are thieves that didn’t make the World better with Our innovations, Our Ideals, to Him We’ve made it worse and He will do his best to make Us “Our Brothers keepers” in misery as They may be. We need to pay Our fair share, to give back, to take some deaths, to not be so prideful and He is the way, he does think this way.

Let me add this also. Obama thinks for the World to be better, the US must be less, not that they must do more to make their own lives better, but We in the US, We must lose more so they can be more.. He is so wrong in his thinking..

So sit after reading this and examine what Obama has done since attaining Office, does anything he has done line up with what He promised to do, what should have been done while the Nation bleed or does it fit nicely with what I just told You.

I know more and maybe in time, when I feel better I will say more, but this should be scary enough, this should be enough for you to say, what have I allowed to happen and I do mean You, not me. I was alone in the streets, so to say, trying to stop you and say look closely and see the truth, but you said nope, I don’t wanna hear it, he’s this and I like him.

So friend I hope you now can see why those people died, not the whole gun smuggling blah blah, but the theory behind the whatever being done in the first place, the reason American lives are not so valuable to this President.

Do Us a favor and make sure the next guy grew up here and might not agree with the whole thing of American, that’s ok, but he or she must be.. Must have an American Heart, not a wanna be egghead coming into Our homes telling Us what’s wrong with Us and blaming Us for things they’ve allowed to happen to Themselves… I have children and They would never make a mistake of judgment and say “Its Dads fault, he ah, its his fault, trust me..” My Child and Your children would never do that to You, but a strangers Child might, so Barrack/Barry is Yeah that Child of Ours from a Strange land…

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