Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense

I posted this:
* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of "Guns in America"—a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.(3)
 And this is what yet another EU guy had to write, they just won’t listen or read a thing. I guess when you have you head shoved so far up Your ass all you can see crap.

Foreign Guy says: His response will Floor you and He’s not kidding, not at all. He’s being very serious..

it seems the general consensus of the american government is to move to an all out cultural change and bann guns and firearms to the wider public ... now keeping this in mind these are americans peers leading the needs of the country ... I for one concur so far just talk but the rest of the world is keeping their fingers xssed some form of manifesto is drawn up

My Ally said:
Dude you seriously don't get it!!! They are not looking out for the needs of our country just their own agenda but how would you know that since you live in another country so why do you feel you can even talk about this. How did it work for the UK with respects to the IRA(Irish Republican Army) who mastered and wrote the book on how to kill people without guns. Dude why don't you worry about your country and stay out of this conversation because you just sound really dumb every time you type something. Explain to me why the rest of the world is worried about our gun laws, what the fuck does it got to do with them?

And he also added this:
Oh let me also say the IRA had no problem get guns did they!!

My response:
Heah I sure hope that America becomes Pussified like the rest of Europe, so that one day if the World Yet again needs assistance to save itself from itself,which by the way is exactly how 2 world wars began. The rest of the World playing games with itself. Social Engineering gone Horrible wrong. Playing with Political philosophy's to "better Man", which went so wrong. All they had to do was let Man be Free, like He was meant to be and stop playing god with Man. But what do I know. The US is so young and Europe is so old... They've always screwed up the World and their own people's Lives with all their meddling and devising to control their People. Now They've got them all asleep and forgetful of the way the World works outside their little cages..... .. American had nothing to do past Wars, but oh lookie here, some Dumb Yanks to come over and Die for Us and for those Dumb Yanks to sacrifice what little they have, (raw materials, Men, and Money to rebuild what the children destroyed forcing men to be Sheep, might have worked cept the Sheep for a time, woke up..) anyway such good barbarian Yanks, they love to fight anyway (wrong they love to help, but Enlightened Asshat are too full of Themselves to know what an American Heart really contains, if those strangers actually understood what's in an American heart it would force them to take a strong hard Look at theirs and theirs from Our point of View is brutal and Vain) how nice of those Dub Americans to lose so much and to help Us and to save ourselves from the Problems they had Not A Dammed Thing to do with.. Oh How nice.. NOW if the World and this wanna be Eu Fake/Stolen/ Illegitimate Federal Government gets it way of False Flagging things like it has been doing and then to Lie to the World and its Own People, then the Pusfication of the US will be complete and the World will have its own little despot, Monarchical Ways back.. End of Story... Onto People taken care of by Elites that know nothing but feelings and desire.. Wow like the World hasn't had enough of that Shit tossed around it for Thousands of Years... But as some will Say, My IQ is so Low and My Views so lame... Whatever... You think what you want and stay on that end becasue you might fall off the earth, its flat according to You.... there will be no one left to help.. Oh one other little useless point from the Savage.. Do yourselves a favor and throw away 98% of the tech you now have thanks to the American way and the American savages that Have shared All that We invented. You keep the stuff only you designed and that means the Medical Advances you use everyday that came from Our Savage land and Yeah the computers and the Cell Phones and the TV's.. Toss them all out... Walk the Walk, since the American spirit is trash and worthless and the EU spirit is so much better, putting people in their "proper place", recreating a cast system, without naming it, since all of that is fine and dandy, then leave all of the things you take fro granted, shared with you, by the savages behind.. Do it or Shut the Fuck Up about How My Family Lives Their Lives, keep it to Yourself... And Leave Us to Us, Stay the Hell out of My Home... I won't ever go into Yours... See I am a savage, I treat other with respect, but some of You supposedly "Civilized"... ones treat People like Chattel and Americans are Not Chattel...

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