Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gotta Love how Libs EU People ignore Facts about Guns

Another nit wit Comments on my post…
This man refuses to refute a fact, so he goes off into his opinions. What a clueless mess most foreigners are to this notion of the 2nd Amendment in the US...

I post this.. * Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.(1) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.(2)
This EU Guy posts this:
wow in america there are more guns then people ... thats gotta be sorted out thats an absolutly terrible statistic why would americans need more guns then people ??

An American Patriot Ally of Mine posted this:

Let me educate you dude, the reason we have the right to bear arms in the first place is to protect our way of life from a government who is to powerful and over reaching and the protection of ones self from other people is just a benefit of that but I how would you understand that since you live in a country where the government already control your thoughts hence the way you speak. All hail the Queen...lol..what a joke!!!

My Response:

Oh My god, in India there are more People than the land, that needs to be fixed, for the good of the earth and for all those children..... In England there's more bars/pubs than Clinics that needs to be changed, for the good of th public and the children. We all know that drinking leads to fights and that costs the public some serious money, never mind the problems with Alcoholism, which is at insane levels and again costs the public so much money. That's just not good for the civilized people to have to tolerate. I think a drinking license should be issued and the people caught abusing the license should be forced to be re-educated, foible if need be, for the good of the whole you know. And I will guarantee that no one in the elite groups of Power will or would ever abuse the public trust and break those new anti-drinking laws......
What is right for You is not right for everyone. You want one size fits all, then pack up and go back to India or hell find a muslim Nation and go set up camp there. You could go to Cuba, there its also one size fits all, its all misery thought, but heah, one size fits all seems to be your mantra, so walk the walk and push off... Move, don't be a Fat bloated Western Pig, that lives off Capitalism and its luxuries, then from upon High thinks more of Yourself and then casts down edicts at others.. Go walk the walk, Move to any one of the Hell holes, this World has to offer.... No I know what, stay there and stop being different, stop it, find a way to go under the radar and be completely the same as everyone else, conform and then only once you've lost what little self respect you seems to have left for yourself and for the Life given to you, then you can talk about one size fits All. But wait if no one else is talking or thinking like you then, expressing an opinion about me would be a no no..
Yeah one size fits all for animals and peasants.. We aren't either of those.. You want to voluntarily subjugate yourself to others that are born into a position of power. You want to have incompetent fools telling you what is best for your life then no one is stopping You.
You have no Right to force that Way of Life upon any other Human being, no right at all. Opinions are one thing, but when it becomes a constant drum beat, then one has to ask what is, this person's end game. They are not happy and want others to also live at the same level of servitude thy they are living under.. Not Me, Not any of Us not Ever.. But have fun with those social engineering things you've all so successfully be doodling away with.. I read about all of those "unexpected consequences" that seem to pop up in that land of the Elite, all the time.. Lovely, just smashingly Lovely work you’re all doing.... Keep it up and stay over there...
BTW you’ve obviously bullshitted about reading Plato's Cave Allegory. For if you had indeed read those words and fully grasped their power, you would never be thinking or speaking as you do.... You are the one inside the Cave and many of Us in the US are outside that Cave/Cage. You also might be the smartest cave/cage dweller, but that's no comparisons to One that Lives outside the Cave/Cage... Your "intelligence" blinds you to certain fact of what the World is that you've created around. The World you insulted yourself with is only an pale impression of a Life that is slowly winding down and away. The time left is almost gone, almost too late to change course, to begin to Live a Life as Full and as Free as the Creator, God, gods, the Universe or Evolution has intended for You to Live. But in a Cave/Cage you remain, Fat happy and content. Don't persecute Others for walking outside and saying, yeah I think I can do this. You, Yourself haven't the testicular fortitude to step outside that Cave/Cages, but others do, so Stop Hating... Remember You are the smartest one in the Cave, so enjoy that little bit of Life, you were tossed by those that run the Cage.. We in the US, want more, Help More and are growing tired of saving the Cave People from their Hells they create for no good reason, for themselves....
Sincerely a Free man..Which you are obviously not !!

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