Sunday, December 9, 2012

For a Friend ~ NANCY

A friend, Nancy and I were discussing the US Constitution, the set of US codes and then Judaical rulings.

I brought up this Citizenship case, that changed the effect of Law, but in essence is not a Law, not really. A judge's decision does in most case have the full effect of Law, but with something this serious, one would argue that "effect" from a Judge's ruling, even if that decision comes from a Supreme Court.

Now if you are reading this and thinking, heah the ruling from the Supreme Court is Law of the Land and what I was talking about means nothing, then explain to me why the Congress has a Law on the floor to codify the decision by the Supreme Court. A Decision made in 1898, interesting isn't it....

Yeah the Congress has a bill to make the decision by the court the Law of the land and for the first time, officially change the way Citizenship is granted to a person born in the United States...

Anyway have fun...Reading this stuff Nancy...

United States v. Wong Kim Ark

United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that virtually everyone born in the United States is a U.S. citizen. This decision established an important precedent in its interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

H.R. 140: Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011

To amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify those classes of individuals born in the United States who are nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.

As We All know the 14th Amendment states that only those without a Nation and under the sole jurisdiction of the US are then granted Citizenship. An Illegal that still can attain or request their Embassy represent them in any criminal case, is not under the sole Jurisdiction of the US, so Duhhh, that means that Their Children, which also enjoy protection from the Nation emigrated from, are also under the Jurisdiction of anther Nation and therefore are not eligible for Citizenship under the 14th Amendment... I can say these things becasue I am not fostering or protection a political Career or towing the Party Line.. I am speaking on Law and for the Law, unlike so many Judges forgot to do these days...
Disagree with Me, but do so only with Law, not feeling or any other twisted interpretation of Law..  I am so tired of fighting with People that have an angle when it comes to the LAW. If I have any "Angle", then that Angle is to follow the Laws as written.

Have a Good Day... Oh and PS, if a Law is wrong, if the Law hurts People and does not protect or expand Liberty of Individuals, then that Law needs to be changed, not ignored, by the People, the Judges or the People. A Lawful People follow Laws and fight to over turn unjust Laws, they do not ignore them, to do so sets a precedent of Lawlessness into the general Population, till one day, the Legal system resembles a paid for Justice system, where no Justice is found, only influence wins and rules Men's minds .. Oh wait, kinda like it does Today...

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