Sunday, December 9, 2012

No Spanish, No Job; Job discrimination against English speaking U.S. citizens. Welcome to the Club, friend

No Spanish, No Job; Job discrimination against English speaking U.S. citizens. Welcome to the Club, friend...

This story was written by a Black Man, its funny, that a Black Man is now seeing what so many other "non-protected" "class" has been going through for too many Years.. You show up, you take a test, score better than everyone else and then they say, oh yeah we can't use you, because We have a Quota system to meet, sorry try again in 2 years... This is just another, not the 1st story like this I have read, written by a person that for 50yrs has enjoyed overstepping others for a job or enrollment into a School or university, but today those ladder/bridges over other qualified people is being eroded because of illegal immigration and now, only now are those people that once enjoyed the legal discrimination that was tilled in their favor, now those protected People are losing protection and now saying, oh wait a second this isn't fair.. Yeah Genius it was never fair, welcome to the club and if you say anything you are villainized, get used to that...  Oh and from someone that was stepped over, time and time again because I wasn't in a "protected class", well I have now sympathy for You...

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