Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies

New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies.They forgot with the RINO's helping them the whole way

RINO = Douchebag Republicans or rather Fake Republicans..RINO = Republican In Name Only - RINO....

Yeah I called them douchebags, its not like anyone but the choir is reading these and since You all know Me, why should I be gentle with my words when describing those that have traded this Republic for nothing more than Their Names in History Books...

Picture & story from the Examiner:

Oh and if you don't know who these 2 Asshats are, then you should not be allowed to vote on anything till You know who They are. You are looking at the Bosses of the Collapse of 2008.. I am not joking or trying to place blame just on to Democrats, I am laying it at the feet of the 2 that engineered this collapse.. Go check it out.. You'll be amazed that they were never charged and sailed off into the sunset, Congressional pensions and other goodies they gained while in office for Their Whole Lives...

Oh yeah and one of these Tools ran an illegal brothel for Gay Men, out of His house and was charged and the People of Massachusetts kept electing this buffoon for the next 20 years+   .
Just sick, all of it and then the People that kept electing these jerks, then turned around and blamed others for what they did...

And The repukes, that could have slowed or reversed this mess, stood by and did nothing...So some blame goes to Them as well..

Well I'm glad that what year is it again, oh yeah ..I am so glad the press is finally catching up to People like Me, on who is to blame for this mess the Nation is in and surprise its not becasue of Bush... Guys that wrote this story, thanks, a bit too late, but thanks..
Next time there's an asteroid or some other calamity that befalls this Nation and demands immediate action to save Us, I know not who to call for Help..

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