Sunday, February 3, 2013

I mean EVERYTIME I hear this song, my memory's of People I grew up with, that were survivors Who fled Vietnam, fill my mind

If there was ever a perfect song that illustrated Righteous Anger then this is that song for Me.. Ever Time and I mean EVERYTIME I hear this song, my memory's of People I grew up with, that were survivors Who fled Vietnam, fill my mind. My Friends were just Children about my age back then, 10yrs old, just kids... Kids With Fucking Bullet Scars on Them. Shot by the Communists, because Their Parents wanted to be Free... .Even Then I knew that no Child, No Kid should have memory's and Scars like They had.... So IF I have a "Problem" with the Tyranny I see growing in this Nation, then I think this "Problem" of mine, of a righteous Anger of this type, is a Good and Noble one to Have even now 30+ yrs Later.... People like Obama see Communists shot Children and Blame the US, I see it and I see People Like Obama: good intentioned know it all's, that describe Dead Children and dead People as bumps in the road or a few broken eggs or what does it matter.... They aren't Bumps or broken Eggs and They and it All does Matter..... Innocents must Be defended, else if They aren't Then what good does it do to Call Our selves Free Men in the Land of the Free....

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