Thursday, January 3, 2013

Most Liberals say the Constitution is long & confusing, out dated. ....

Most Liberals say the Constitution is long & confusing, simply out dated. They say that it was written along time ago and does not apply to modern Life as We know it. And therefore it needs to be modified for the realities of Today. Libs say the Constitution was written to fight a "good fight" against an oppressive, out of touch people, that were just self appointed themselves over People thousands of miles away from Them.
Libs say the Constitution was only written for that day and not for theses days, as Man has advanced and the Constitution is no longer valid as an instrument to help Man govern other Men. Libs say, that the good intent of the Laws, were written for a simpler time, by a simple Folk and since We today are not as simple, those Laws must go or be abandoned for a more modern realization of the Life We now live, Our Lives.

I ask this of My Lib audience, does a Government a thousand or 3 Thousand miles away know what is best for Me, for You or for anymore more so than the British did over the Colonies, 230yrs ago...

Does a group of Family's, that generational continue to get elected, to Office, seem a bit familiar and akin to the Royal's and the Nobles, always assuming Office and then dictating to the the Colony's, the will of a Handful of Family's over 230 yrs ago, ring a bell or two , in Your mind.

Libs, Man's technology has advanced, yes that is a truth, but Man's intellect and maturity has not. And the Laws laid down 230yrs ago are still as Valid and still needed, as much today as they were needed 230yrs ago, to hold Men, that are no Angel's to the Law of the Common man and that Law is the US Constitution. Like it or Not, the Truth remains that man has not changed in 230yrs and has not changed in 10,000yrs and till the day comes that Man has changed, the US Constitution is the Only Weapon the Common Man of Planet Earth has to fight against Tyrants and Their Heirs.

Libs, try to get Your Heads out of You Hopeful Asses and stop volunteering for servitude and a peasantry paltry existence, dictated to you by a handful of Elites, disguised as a Citizenry of the Central Government of Entitled Family's of Elected Fools...

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