Friday, September 5, 2014

Progressivism & Collectivism, twin brothers of Tyranny

Collectivism is defined as the practice or principle of giving a group (the collective) priority over ALL individual members.

Individualism is belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence for society to succeed.

 The terms social justice, fairness and equal rights are also a part of collectivism
And lets not forget to include the "Progressives" which hide Themselves by using the term progressive, implying that what they are doing is somehow cutting edge, better, newer, when in the end its nothing more than the control of People by a small group of Evil Bastards...



Progressivism is a political philosophy based on the Idea of Progress, which asserts that advances in science, technology, economic development, and social organization can improve the human condition.
Sounds, good right, so did buying a bridge, oil to cure disease, a machine to make gold from water and it also sounded good to elect a Wolf dressed up like a Sheep..

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