Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Yet again I have to explain to a Brit what the 2nd Amendment Means to Thinking Americans

I have to post this. This is from a private message to a young person that sees the problem with guns is the people using them, not the object......I'm very impressed that someone so young gets it...

"Well alot do... It would stop gun deaths(banning all guns), but you would have to seize each and every gun, even ones from the criminals and then find a way to protect each and every person and that's just impossible...

They, that want or hate guns, are only seeing one side of the problem, while totally ignoring that other parts..

Past generation had less education, less medication, less pandering to them from Parents, teachers and Doctors and they had Totally unrestricted access to Drugs, guns and whatever they wanted and none of them ever shot up a school or blew up a building...

Looking at why That generation was so different, more responsible, that is where they need to look for the solution to Our current problems, not at an object that in 1 hand is used to save Lives and in another to take Lives..

But They won't wake up, They won't Look, they won't think anymore...."

Foreign Guy…. the problem with guns is that they are solely designed to kill and have no other function. Society does not need guns it never did and its just really a matter of reeducating americans and developing theirculture i agree with alot of the presidency movements towards a brighter future for the USA now but the world still stands patiently to see what measures will be made in dewveloping americans to a more civil agenda ... this is going to be a long process and its all about participation ... now this all depends if you are law abiding citizen or not the only people who will be left with guns if a ban goes into place are surely people who intend to kill ... kind of like a sieve sifting from the good to the bad

My Response to this Guy…

Hitler wanted a brighter future, so did Stalin, Mao and Pot, but they had to deal with those pesky freedom loving, I mean traitorous People first..
The President in this Nation does not "direct" the course of this Nation, this guy in there now thinks himself a King. They only thing he will direct is the American People into destruction. The communist blamed others for their poor planning, they said it was "those that didn't go along", that were the ones to blame. Not the bad planning by the central morons....

And so if I don't want to surrender my Will over to a despot, you say I intend to Kill people. How retarded a comment... You use a Flawed syllogism and think you can fool Me with that flawed, error in Logic. Piss off....
You do know what a syllogism is right; i mean you aren't feverishly googling the definitions right now, which you are... Now for the others a syllogism is a flawed argument, here I will make one up for you to see. A syllogism seems at first to be correct, but if you really look at the syllogism you say WTF, this is garbage thinking...
Flawed syllogism 101: A new study finds that all serial killers shared one thing in common and if we stop or remove this from the maturation of the young, We can thus prevent any future serial Killers from being created.... In 2011 Harvard University conducted an exhaustive research program to decipher the serial killer code and in that Study, researchers found out that Each and Every Serial Killer drank milk as a Baby, therefore with this commonality shared by all killers, it is in the opinion of this Medical University and Our Peers that Milk be forever banned from children's Diets..
Flawed syllogism 102: All mammals have teeth, all mammals are animals... so all animals are mammals...
Flawed syllogism 103: Men in My Family are Barbers, All Barbers are men, so All Men are my family...
Flawed syllogism 104: If you don't give up liberty to a despot's will then that makes you a Killer, and all killers don't sacrifice to the will of the despot..
Should I go on with this insane exercise that someone else is always engaging in.... No I will not... Guns don't kill people, people kill people is a Valid example of a good syllogism another is: All Humans are mortal , all American's are Human, then all American are Mortal..
Very suspect People, engage into flawed, craftily disguised, deceptive arguments to fool the general public and its only some, that can call Bullshit and then explain why.. So enough of the Bullshit...
Now a gun, which for some odd reason you Hate and think it appropriate to force your narrow view onto others.. A Gun is intended for Killing, yeah, but it is not intended to just kill every Human and this part of your argument is false, a Flawed syllogism ... It all sounds good to a sleeping crowd of animals or a despite crowd of grieving Parents, it sounds good, but its false hope, based and created by lies and assumptions, leaps of logic, leaping over obvious pitfalls and holes in the argument. Now to an intelligent person, which you believe none of Us are, to an intelligent person, we know that Guns provide Humans with food, security and the ability to create society's that allow wimpy Males to be breed into them, all the while spewing ignorant arguments of garbage throughout the society, fooling some, but making others laugh at the utter ignorance and false pride these wimpy males have of themselves and their ideals..... Now Being Human on this Planet, we have nothing to protect us from the Natural World. No Claws, No Fags, no poison or even feats of fantastic speed. We were granted a Mind and no other animal on this planet has one like Ours. We have reason... Try talking to a wolf in the night, while huddled in tent, try talking to it, try to beg the animal to be nice and surrender its instincts to Your "noble words".. Now beg the bear to lay down and let you eat it or the fish to stop swimming so that you may devour it... It will never happen, so weapons were made and advanced and today any person, any Human if left to be Free can take care of themselves with the need of others. So Yes Guns kill but only in the hands of a Human and what that Human kills is up to the mind inside that Human, there is no Flawed syllogism, bullshit argument around that. When you take away the man from the Murder you make others think its really not my fault, ah ah hu huh, so then others may also see this and think, well its their fault or his fault not mine or it this and its that, when it has Always been the Mans fault or responsibility to behave....
England did not outlaw the ownership, of medical scalpels or Meat clever or knives when the Ripper was running around, did they. No They did not, becasue doing so would not have stopped that man from Killing. And taking away the knives cleavers and scalpels from others will not save one person from a Man that is bent on Destroying another Human Being.
Now say to me, well those arguments are no longer valid,\ say to me the World is advanced, so non of those things you say are valid.. I say how so.
All I see in the advances of Man are advances in the devices Our crafty minds can create. There has not been a change in th minds of Men in 10,000 years and history details that to a point. Men are still devious, still killing, still being jealous of what others have, still trying to control Man. The major difference, now is that Man has found a better Language to disguise these vices of greedy Men and make certain atrocities seem less objectionable and easier to stomach and easier to follow along with, by the common Man. But Man is still the same today as he was in 1776.. As He was in 1086 as he was in 313BCE and so on. So we have computers and cars, so what of it. Man had chariots while others did not, that didn't make one civilization superior in thinking, it just made them more able to conquer other Nations, that's it. Same motive but different ways of getting to the same goal....
The Forefathers of the US were very smart, they saw that man will not change, that Men cannot be made into Angels, no matter what reward is given to them or pressure is extruded on Them. Men will always be the same and knowing that this is the hidden truth some do not want to look at, the Forefathers set in place protections against a return to servitude to a central self appointed few and in that system of protection they laid out one rule to ensure the Freedom of the People from Themselves and that is the Natural Right of Every Man to protect Himself from Other Man and Nature by any means that Man desires.. We in the Us understand this to some extent, maybe not like I do, but many do get it and No One will Force Us into complying with the wishes of a Person Filled with self False Pride and self worth for the Will of that man..No Matter Who he is claims to be...
PS take a bit of knowledge from Your Ancestors.. "Diligence, persistence, strength, perception, and courage — even God stands in awe of him that possesses these". Vihramacharita

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