Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1991 Book Predicts School Shootings By Drugged Individuals In Order To Disarm Public

Story & picture from : Here http://www.pakalertpress.com/2012/12/30/1991-book-predicts-school-shootings-by-drugged-individuals-in-order-to-disarm-public/

Ok just to inject something, from about 5Yrs back...... In a Few other Nations, in Europe, had their Gov's declassify some documents, that claimed, that with the Help of Our Gov. that they together, staged certain events, like shooting kids in schools, in order to grab guns.. But everything here in the US, well that's all so different, I'm not saying they are doing anything, nope not me, but others Are.. Heah, we’d never stage a event/thing to push a public agenda, that without the event the agenda would never get any traction..., Nope not Us... And so what if All but 3 of the 15 School shooters were on Drugs, prescribed by Doctors that carried warning, like psychotic episodes, murderous intents and so on... Nope nothing to see Here Folks, move it along.. Don't even ask any questions, nothing to see, just listen to what We say and it will all be better for Us, I mean it will be better for You...Trust Us... hmmmmmfth.

Now not joking around, but for real: I do not know what is going on, but I want to have some questions answered, like why are the survivors in the Batman Movie massacre, being ignored when they gave eye witness reports of seeing, abut 5 guys shooting, why are They being shut out of the media and ignored, being told they saw it all wrong... Or in Newton, why haven't we heard a thing more about the 2 guys seen fleeing the scene... What ever is going on, I just want those annoying questions answered and not to be told, this is the story and shut up..

I could point to certain movies, where inside the movies the Theme is People fighting back against a false Flag attack, conducted by the People's Own Governments, conducted in order to oppress its own people, but the moment I pointed to those books, movies and so on, some Morons would pop up and say "Oh that's just a Movie or a book" ....

True enough, but I will counter and say, so was Jaws and People still went nuts. Then there are People that have gotten dragged into interviews, by the Fed Gov. to answer questions about things, to only be told that Their story is a bit too close to something the Gov is conducting and how did they find out.. Or there are the model makers, yeah I used to make models, but the model makers that also get dragged into interviews to answer question about How they knew about certain things and its only years later the public finds out this all happened when the Gov declassifies a certain project....

I can also say this, there are People that say sometimes Art imitates Life, but sometimes the World imitates Art... So don't disregard a question, asked in good faith, because of your shear ignorance. Especially when the Moron "debunker" shows up with his heels clipping and Hand raised to salute the Official stories spun for the Public, by the Central Government. Just sometimes the questions that need to be asked and need to be answered are asked by Those People, that have enough back bone to question the Official stories, even if You don't want to know the answers, the question shave to be asked and have to be answered. This is Our Government and they work for Us, not the other way around. And they have a Duty to answer Us or leave those positions in Government.

I'm not an idiot, I do know that some things do need to remain a secret, most People can not handle the truth, but there are times and certain events that the Public needs to be told the Truth They do not want to hear and cannot handle.

So ask yourself, do the People that survived Aurora and are saying that there was more than 1 Guy shooting or the other reports from Newton that reported 2 Men running from the School, should they be taken seriously or tossed away, because you don't want to know the answer. Doing this to those People is a dishonor to those that Died.

I trust the survivors of events, a hell of a lot more than People that were 800 or more miles away, when it happened, for the real story of what Happened to a Them. And ay jerk in the Government or the media that says Those survivors say something different than what they told Police, well ask yourself, why that would happen, almost ever time a shooting or bombing happens..

I’ve had to stop a few people from speaking to Me, when I heard what them say  some Bull crap to me, when a story I was telling wasn’t one they liked or agreed with…

I had to say to them,” are you telling me what happened to Me or listening to Me, because I know what happened to Me. And You’re nuts if you think You know what happened to me, 5 years when I didn’t even know you at the time.”
Then I tell them to just walk away and never talk to me again, because I will not speak with insane People. People telling me my opinion or telling me what I experienced is ignorant, abusive and manipulative and the Media does it all the time and my opinion of the media is the same, they are abusive…

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